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NEW 102: Global Transformations

Library Databases and Short Videos to Help You Find Information

Below, you will find lists of Library databases that provide access to news articles and transcriptsscholarly articles, and government information. 

Finding good keywords to search with can sometimes be super challenging.

The following short video will help you in the process of developing keywords to use in the library databases listed below.

Watching this short video will allow you to better understand how sources of information you find and use for an academic research project fit together.

It also discusses how you (as a student!) play an important role in scholarly conversations!

News Articles and Transcripts

Nexis Uni
Full text of over 5,000 newspapers, trade publications, legal periodicals, professional journals and news transcripts.

National Public Radio
Search here for current political and economic news.

AltPress Watch
(1970+) Full text database of selected independent newspapers, magazines, and journals of the alternative press. Provides an alternative to mainstream media perspectives on local, national, and international issues.

Access World News
Access World News from NewsBank provides full-text information and perspectives from over 600 U.S. and over 500 international sources, each with its own distinctive focus offering diverse viewpoints on local, regional and world issues.

Human Rights Watch (web site)
Human Rights Watch researchers conduct fact-finding investigations into human rights abuses in all regions of the world and provides extensive coverage in local and international media.

Google News
Use this service to set up an alert to receive e-mails with links to news articles on your topic.

Scholarly Articles

Start Here for Most Topics

Academic Search Ultimate (EBSCOhost)
(1975+) Covers a wide range of academic subjects including criminal justice. Features full text for selected journals, abstracts and indexing for over 3,600 scholarly journals, and coverage of The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times and The Christian Science Monitor.

Google Scholar with Library Links
Search across many disciplines and sources: peer-reviewed papers, theses, books, abstracts and articles, from academic publishers, professional societies, preprint repositories, universities and other scholarly organizations.

SAGE Premier
Includes journals in Business, Humanities, Social Sciences, and Science, Technology and Medicine, providing online access to the full text of individual SAGE journals. Specifically social sciences journals in the following areas are available: urban studies; political sciences, criminology; communication; sociology and psychology.

Discipline/Database Specific Searching

ABI Inform Global Edition
Covers articles from over 1,100 English-language publications worldwide covering business, management, andrelated areas.

Anthrosource indexes current issues for eleven of the American Anthropological Association's most critical peer-reviewed publications.

Criminal Justice Abstracts
(1968+) Covers major journals in criminology and related disciplines, extensive coverage of books, access to reports from government and nongovernmental agencies. Includes informative summary of the findings, methodology, and conclusions is provided.

(1887+) Includes PsycLIT. Indexes literature in psychology & related disciplines (sociology, linguistics, education, medicine, law, physiology, business, psychiatry, & anthropology). Covers journals, books, chapters, dissertations & technical reports.

PAIS International - Public Affairs Information Service
(1972+) Index to political, economic, & social issues in current debate. Covers public & social policy literature of business, economics, finance, law, international relations,public administration, government, political science, & other social sciences.

Social Services Abstracts 
(1980+) Bibliographic coverage of current research focused on social work, human services, and related areas, including social welfare, social policy, and community development. The database abstracts and indexes over 1,500 serials publications and includes abstracts of journal articles and dissertations, and citations to book reviews.

SocINDEX™ with Full Text is a social sciences research database, covering a wide spectrum of disciplines. It offers in-depth coverage of sociology, encompassing all sub-disciplines and closely related areas of study.

Sociological Abstracts
(1963+) Covers theoretical & applied sociology, social science, & policy science. Includes sociological aspects of anthropology, gender studies, gerontology, family studies, health, racial interactions, social psychology, social work, urban studies, etc.


Government Information

The ASU Library acknowledges the twenty-three Native Nations that have inhabited this land for centuries. Arizona State University's four campuses are located in the Salt River Valley on ancestral territories of Indigenous peoples, including the Akimel O’odham (Pima) and Pee Posh (Maricopa) Indian Communities, whose care and keeping of these lands allows us to be here today. ASU Library acknowledges the sovereignty of these nations and seeks to foster an environment of success and possibility for Native American students and patrons. We are advocates for the incorporation of Indigenous knowledge systems and research methodologies within contemporary library practice. ASU Library welcomes members of the Akimel O’odham and Pee Posh, and all Native nations to the Library.