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Libguide for the School of Sustainability.

Writing Tips, APA Guides and Avoiding Plagiarism

English Composition Library Guide - Need a refresher on writing a thesis statement or general researching skills, visit this guide.

Avoiding Plagerism - APA Format.  How to paraphrase, quote, and cite your sources using APA format. 

The John M. Pfau Library at California State University - Santa Barbara has compiled links to a number of tutorials on Helping Students Avoid Plagiarism.

The Fraud of Plagiarism - created by Dr. Eleanour Snow formerly at University of South Florida, now at University of Texas - Austin.  Section 2 explains why plagiarism is wrong.  Section 6 gives very helpful tips on paraphrasing.

APA Citation - the Citation Styles library guide provides detailed information on the APA Citation style, plagiarim, academic integrity, and more.

The Basics of APA Citatation Style

Learning Citations

APA Citation Guide from Purdue University's Writing Lab 

Critically Evaluating Information Sources

Suggested Library Databases For SOS 110

The library databases below are recommended SOS 110:

CQ Library  The CQ Researcher is an excellent "go to first" resource to get a comprehensive unbiased overview of important national issues.  Each report provides an introduction to the topic; background and chronology of the issues; tables and maps; pro/con statements of opposing viewpoints; and a lengthy bibliography of printed and web sources.

The link above takes you to the CQ Library.  Simply search "everglades."  I strongly recommend reading the October 8 ,2008  CQR report on protecting wetlands.

Academic Search Premier  This is a great starting place for any topic. It covers all subject areas, includes articles from both popular magazines and scholarly journals.

Finding Articles using Academic Search Premier/Ebscohost  View this brief tutorial on how to effectively search this database

PAIS International is a public policy database.  Index to political, economic, & social issues in current debate. Covers public & social policy literature of business, economics, finance, law, international relations,public administration, government, political science, & other social sciences.

LexisNexis  Find newspaper articles and editorials from around the country and the world. Use the ! symbol, instead of the more typical truncator * to truncate search words.  For example, restor! returns articles with the words restoration, restore, restoring, and more in the text.

Arizona Republic  Get articles from our local newspaper from to 1999 to present.

Alt-Press Watch  is a full text database of selected independent newspapers, magazines, and journals of the alternative press. It provides an alternative to mainstream media perspectives on local, national, and international issues.

Database Researching Tips Quick explanations of research tips and tricks to make your search go more quickly and save a lot of your time!

Florida Everglades Research

Be sure to use the library resources listed in the above box.  These are additional resources for the Florida Everglades assignment.

CERP - Comprehensive Everglades Report Plan -, "A Partnership of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, South Florida Water Management District and many other federal, state, local and tribal partners."  Reports on Water supply planning, Alternative water supply projects, St. Johns River as a drinking water source, Minimum flows and levels priority list/schedule, Water use data management, Groundwater resource assessment, Abandoned artesian well plugging, Water Resource Development Work Program and more!  

(SOFIA) South Florida Information Access "... is an interdisciplinary service that provides coherent information access in support of research, decision making, and resource management for the South Florida ecosystem restoration effort."  From the US Geological Survey's Priority Ecosystems Science Initiative, this site provides information on historical background, Resource-Management efforts, objectives, and the collaboration of state and federal agencies in the restoration efforts of the Florida Everglades.

Long Term Ecological Report (LTER) for Florida Coastal Everglades "...program was established in May of 2000 in south Florida, where a rapidly growing population of over 6 million people live in close proximity to - and in dependence upon - the Florida Everglades. The program is based at Florida International University and includes 75 senior scientists and 64 students from 29 institutions."

South Florida Ecosystem Project - Provides links to governmental reports.  In addition to the Everglades, provides ecosystem information for the Florida Bay and Biscayne Bay.

Audubon Society - Florida - This environmental organization provides non-governmental perspective on issues and links to resources.

South Florida Natural History, pre-1492 to present - History of the changes in landscape and vegetation, from the Everglades Digital Library.

St. Johns River, Water Management District - Include information on water supply plans, groundwater flows and assessments.

Map of Florida Water Districts - PDF - From the St. Johns River Water Management District website.

South Florida Water Management District - Information on the history and restoration efforts of the everglades.

Southwest Florida Water Management District - Reports on sustainable water supply, strategic plans, and more.  Links to other Florida water districts.

U.S. Department of the Interior - Environmental Impact of the Big Cypress Swamp Jetport

Natural Vegetation Map of Florida  - Florida Circular S-178, hosted by the University of Florida Map and Imagery Library.

1856 Map of Florida - Displays military routes and vegetation as of 1856.  Hosted by the University of Florida Map and Imagery Library.

1943 Vegetation Map of Florida - Hosted by the University of Florida Map and Imagery Library.

Food Crisis Research

Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) - U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

The World Bank - In response to the severity of the food crisis and the need for prompt action, the World Bank Group set up the Global Food Crisis Response Program (GFRP) in May 2008 to provide immediate relief to countries hard hit by food high prices. This website has information about various aspects of the food crisis.

The Cost to Developing Countries of U.S. Corn Ethanol Expansion - working paper by Tufts University professor Timothy A. Wise.

Estimating the Short-run Poverty Impacts of the 2010-11 Surge in Food Prices - World Bank Policy Research Working Paper

The Food Crisis: A Quantitative Model of Food Prices including Speculators and Ethanol Conversion - This white paper has many references for additional reading and research.

The Global Food Crisis - 2011 ebook

FAO Food Price Index - The FAO Food Price Index is a measure of the monthly change in international prices of a basket of food commodities.

Searching Tips - Handouts

The ASU Library acknowledges the twenty-three Native Nations that have inhabited this land for centuries. Arizona State University's four campuses are located in the Salt River Valley on ancestral territories of Indigenous peoples, including the Akimel O’odham (Pima) and Pee Posh (Maricopa) Indian Communities, whose care and keeping of these lands allows us to be here today. ASU Library acknowledges the sovereignty of these nations and seeks to foster an environment of success and possibility for Native American students and patrons. We are advocates for the incorporation of Indigenous knowledge systems and research methodologies within contemporary library practice. ASU Library welcomes members of the Akimel O’odham and Pee Posh, and all Native nations to the Library.