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DSC 500 Research Methods

A guide to library and professional design research

Is the article peer-reviewed?

Use Ulrich's Periodical Directory (Ulrichsweb) to find out 

  • if an article is from a peer-reviewed (refereed) journal
  • if an article (journal) is popular or scholarly
  • general information about magazine or journal

This is the symbol that tells you a journal is peer reviewed in Ulrichsweb


Article Databases

(Elsevier's) Science Direct
Design coverage ranges broadly from architecture, building, construction, ergonomics, user-centered design, landscape architecture, etc.

Design and Applied Arts Index 
Indexes design and craft journals. Covers all aspects of design, including industrial design, architecture, interior design, environmental design, graphic design, advertising, theater design, design and craft education and design management.

Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals
Constitutes the preeminent architecture index covering a broad and international array of architectural publications, including: journals, popular periodicals, professional association publications and major serials on architecture and design.

Multidisciplinary Databases

Provides image and full-text online access to scholarly journals in the Humanities, Social Sciences and Sciences. Relevant subject areas include: Architecture & Architectural History and Art & Art History.

Academic Search Premier 
Covers thousands of mostly English-language popular magazines and scholarly (including peer-reviewed) journals. Includes topics in the social sciences, humanities, general science, education and most areas of academic study.  

Provides access to a collection of databases for the arts, business, dissertations & theses, health & medicine, history, literature & language, news & newspapers, science & technology, and social sciences. Searches can be run on a single database, on a grouping of databases, or every available database.

Image Databases 

Open Access Databases

Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
DOAJ is a community-curated online directory that indexes and provides access to high quality, open access, peer-reviewed journals.

Digital Public Library of America (DPLA) 
Provides access to the nation's cultural repositories such as Library of Congress, HathiTrust, and the Internet Archive

Oxford Journals
Oxford Journals operates two different modes fully and optional open access journals.

Sage Open
SAGE Open publishes peer-reviewed, original research and review articles in an interactive, open access format. Accepted articles span the full extent of the social and behavioral sciences and the humanities.

Dissertations and Theses Databases

ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global
A comprehensive collection of full-text dissertations and theses that includes millions of searchable citations to dissertations and theses from 1861 to the present day together with over a million full-text dissertations that are available for download in PDF format. 

Dissertations & Theses @ Arizona State University
Coverage: 1954-1979 (index only), 1979+ (full text of the dissertations included) 
A searchable database for full text, citations and abstracts of ASU dissertations.  

Open Access dissertations and theses

Library One Search

Find most ASU Libraries' books, articles from newspapers, journals, magazines and more – with just one search!

Google Scholar

Google Scholar
Google Scholar indexes items Google considers scholarly, including articles, theses, books, preprints, abstracts, conference proceedings, and technical reports. The ASU Library subscribes to the electronic version of many of these materials and may own the print copy. 

The ASU Library acknowledges the twenty-three Native Nations that have inhabited this land for centuries. Arizona State University's four campuses are located in the Salt River Valley on ancestral territories of Indigenous peoples, including the Akimel O’odham (Pima) and Pee Posh (Maricopa) Indian Communities, whose care and keeping of these lands allows us to be here today. ASU Library acknowledges the sovereignty of these nations and seeks to foster an environment of success and possibility for Native American students and patrons. We are advocates for the incorporation of Indigenous knowledge systems and research methodologies within contemporary library practice. ASU Library welcomes members of the Akimel O’odham and Pee Posh, and all Native nations to the Library.