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Design Justice

Resources for Design Justice

Books by Year: 2019--

Bey, Lee and Amanda Williams. Southern Exposure: The Overlooked Architecture of Chicago's South Side. Evanston, IL: Northwestern University Press, 2019. xvii, 172 pages.
NA735.C4 B49 2019 Design and the Arts Library Exhibit

Blight, Daniel C., ed. The Image of Whiteness: Contemporary Photography and Racialization. London: SPBH Editions; New York: Art on the Underground, 2019. 203 pages.
TR655 .I43 2019 Design and the Arts Library Exhibit

Campbell, Andy. Queer X Design: 50 Years of Signs, Symbols, Banners, Logos, and Graphic Art of LGBTQ. New York: Black Dog & Leventhal Publishers, 2019. xv, 239 pages.
N8217 .E6 C36 2019 Design and the Arts Library Exhibit & N8217.E6 C36 2019 Lifestyles Hayden Library Sun Devil Reads

Casals, Gonzalo and Noam Parness, eds. Queer Holdings: A Survey of the Leslie-Lohman Museum Collection. Munich, [Germany]: Hirmer Verlag, 2019. 264 pages.
N72.H64 Q46 2019 Design and the Arts Library Exhibit

Dávila, Patricio, ed. Diagrams of Power: Visualizing, Mapping, and Performing Resistance. Eindhoven, [The Netherlands]: Onomatopee, 2019. 308 pages.
NC1002.S63 D53 2019 Design and the Arts Library Exhibit

Davis, Charles L. Building Character: The Racial Politics of Modern Architectural Style. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2019. xi, 275 pages.
NA2543.R37 D38 2019 Design and the Arts Library Exhibit

Fleck, Julie. Are You an Inclusive Designer?. London: RIBA Publishing, 2019. 335 pages.
NA2545.P5 F54 2019 Design and the Arts Library Exhibit

Gage, Mark Foster. Designing Social Equality: Architecture, Aesthetics, and the Perception of Democracy. New York: Routledge, 2019. vii, 131 pages.
NA2543.S6 G26 2019 Design and the Arts Library Exhibit

Gordon, Colin. Citizen Brown: Race, Democracy, and Inequality in the St. Louis Suburbs. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2019. ix, 200 pages.
E 185.95 .M7 2019 Design and the Arts Library Exhibit

Gosling, Lucinda, Hilary Robinson and Amy Tobin. The Art of Feminism: Images that Shaped the Fight for Equality. London: Tate Publishing, 2019. 272 pages.
N72.F45 A784 2019 Design and the Arts Library Exhibit

Heringer, Anna, Lindsay Blair Howe and Martin Rauch. Upscaling Earth: Material, Process, Catalyst. Zurich, Switzerland: gta Verlag, 2019. 151 pages.
TH1421 .H47 2019 Design and the Arts Library Exhibit

Kaufmann-Buhler, Jennifer, Victoria Rose Pass and Christopher Wilson, eds. Design History Beyond the Canon. London; New York: Bloomsbury Visual Arts, 2019. Xxv, 246 pages.
Ebook Central Perpetual Titles 3 copies
NK1390 .D484 2019 Design and the Arts Library Exhibit

King, P. NIcole, Kate Drabinski, and Joshua Clark Davis, eds. Baltimore Revisited: Stories of Inequality and Resistance in a U.S. City. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 2019. xiv, 362 pages.
HT395.U63 B35 2019 Design and the Arts Library Exhibit

Murphy, Michael and Alan Ricks. Justice Is Beauty. X: Monacelli Press, 2019. 383 pages.
NA737.M216835 A4 2019 Design and the Arts Library Exhibit

Pickett, Steward T.A. et al, eds. Science for the Sustainable City: Empirical Insights from the Baltimore School of Urban Ecology . New Haven, [CT]: Yale University Press, 2019. xxii, 453 pages.
HT243.U62 M377 2019 Design and the Arts Library Exhibit

Reed, T. V. The Art of Protest: Culture and Activism from the Civil Rights Movement to the Present 2nd ed. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2019. xxvi, 496 pages.
HN90.R3 R395 2019 Design and the Arts Library Exhibit

Trubiano, Franca, Ramona Adlakha and Ramune Bartuskaite. Women [Re]Build: Stories, Polemics, Futures. [San Francisco]: Applied Research and Design Publishing, 2019. 143 pages.
NA2543.F45 W66 2019 Design and the Arts Library Exhibit

Watson, Julia. Lo―TEK. Design by Radical Indigenism. Cologne, [Germany]: Taschen, 2019. 418 pages.
In process at Preservation until 01/11/2022, NA208 .W38 2019 Design and the Arts Library Exhibit

Weinberg, Jonathan with Tyler Cann, Anastasia Kinigopoulo, and Drew Sawyer, eds. Art After Stonewall: 1969-1989. Columbus, OH: CMOA, Columbus Museum of Art; New York: Rizzoli Electa, 2019. 304 pages.
N6493 1969 .A78 2019 Design and the Arts Library Exhibit

Wellington, Paul. Black Built: History and Architecture in the Black Community. [n.p.]: Paul Wellington, 2019. 109 pages.
NA738.B53 W45 2019 Design and the Arts Library Exhibit

Wilson, Dreck Spurlock. Julian Abele: Architect and the Beaux Arts. Abingdon, Oxon, [England]; New York: Routledge, 2019. xv, 223 pages.
NA737.A24 W55 2019 Design and the Arts Library Exhibit

Appleton, Marc, Stephen Gee and Bret Parsons. Paul R. Williams. Santa Barbara, CA: Tailwater Press; Santa Monica, CA: Angel City Press, 2020. 204 pages.
NA737.W527 A67 2020 Design and the Arts Library Exhibit

Bradley, Barrie Scardino. Improbable Metropolis: Houston's Architectural and Urban History. Austin: University of Texas Press, 2020. xiv, 397 pages.
NA735.H68 B73 2020 Design and the Arts Library Exhibit

Cheng, Alicia Yin. This Is What Democracy Looked Like: A Visual History of the Printed Ballott. New York: Princeton Architectural Press, 2020. 176 pages.
JK2214 .C44 2020 Design and the Arts Library Exhibit

Cheng, Irene, Charles L. Davis II, and Mabel O. Wilson, eds. Race and Modern Architecture: A Critical History from the Enlightenment to the Present. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2020. ix, 438 pages.
Ebook Central Perpetual Titles unlimited access

Cheng, Irene, Charles L. Davis II, and Mabel O. Wilson, eds. Race and Modern Architecture: A Critical History from the Enlightenment to the Present . Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2020. ix, 438 pages.
NA2543 .R37 R336 2020 Design and the Arts Library Exhibit

Guerilla Girls. Guerrilla Girls: The Art of Behaving Badly. San Francisco: Chronicle Books, 2020. 192 pages.
N6512 .G83 A4 2020 Design and the Arts Library Exhibit & Hayden Library Sun Devil Reads

Hauderowicz, Dominque and Kristian Ly Serena, eds. Age-Inclusive Public Space. Berlin: Hatje Cantz, 2020. 237 pages.
NA9053.S6 A34 2020 Design and the Arts Library Exhibit

Hogrefe, Jeffrey and Scott Ruff with Carrie Eastman and Ashley Simone, eds. In Search of African American Space: Redressing Racism. Zürich, Switzerland: Lars Muller Publishers, 2020. 255 pages.
N8217.B535 I57 2020 Design and the Arts Library Exhibit

Hood, Walter and Grace Mitchell Tada, eds. Black Landscapes Matter. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 2020. vi, 200 pages.
E185.86 .B52559 2020 Design and the Arts Library Exhibit

Ireland, Janna. Regarding Paul R. Williams: A Photographer's View. [Santa Monica, CA]: Angel City Press, 2020. 223 pages.
NA737.W527 A4 2020 Design and the Arts Library Exhibit

Johnson, Walter. The Broken Heart of America: St. Louis and the Violent History of the United States. New York: Basic Books, 2020. x, 517 pages.
F474.S257 J65 2020 Design and the Arts Library Exhibit

Luckett, Sharell D., ed. African American Arts: Activism, Aesthetics, and Futurity. Lewisburg, PA: Bucknell University Press, 2020. xiii, 323 pages.
Ebook Central unlimited access
NX512.3.A35 A35 2020 Design and the Arts Library Exhibit

Lyons, Kelly Starling. Ill. Laura Freeman. Dream Builder: The Story of Architect Philip Freelon. New York: Lee & Low Books, 2020. [unpaged].
NA737.F735 L96 2020 Design and the Arts Library Exhibit

Meeks, Eric V. Border Citizens: The Making of Indians, Mexicans, and Anglos in Arizona Rev. ed. Austin: University of Texas Press, 2020. xxii, 368 pages.
Ebook Central Perpetual Titles 3 copies
F820.A1 M44 2020 Design and the Arts Library Exhibit

Mitchell, Melvin L. African American Architects: Embracing Culture and Building Urban Communities. [n.p.]: Katherine Williams, 2020. 171 pages.
NA738.B53 M58 2020 Design and the Arts Library Exhibit

Olivier Vallerand. Unplanned Visitors: Queering the Ethics and Aesthetics of Domestic Space. Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press, 2020. x, 246 pages.
NA2543 .H65 V35 2020 Design and the Arts Library Exhibit

Saffron, Inga. Becoming Philadelphia: How an Old American City Made Itself New Again. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 2020. vii, 259 pages.
NA2543.S6 S228 2020 Design and the Arts Library Exhibit

Wilkerson, Isabel. Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents. New York: Random House, 2020. xvii, 477 pages.
Ebook Central Perpetual Titles 1 copy
HT725.U6 W55 2020 Design and the Arts Library Exhibit

Yeang, Ken. Saving the Planet by Design: Reinventing Our World through Ecomimesis. Abingdon, Oxon, [England]; New York, NY: Routledge, 2020. xvi, 195 pages.
NK1520 .Y435 2020 Design and the Arts Library Exhibit

Ai, Weiwei. Translated by Allan Hepburn Barr. 1000 Years of Joys and Sorrows: A Memoir. New York: Crown, 2021. viii, 380 pages.
N7349.A5 A2 2021 Design and the Arts Library Exhibit

Anderson, Sean and Mabel O. Wilson, eds. Reconstructions: Architecture and Blackness in America. New York, NY: Museum of Modern Art, 2021. 173 pages.
NA738.B53 R43 2021 Design and the Arts Library Exhibit

Brown, Lawrence T. The Black Butterfly: The Harmful Politics of Race and Space in America. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2021. 368 pages.
F189.B19 N395 2021 Design and the Arts Library Exhibit

Carter, Christen and Ted Hake. Button Power: 125 Years of Saying It with Button. New York: Princeton Architectural Press, 2021. 192 pages.
NK3670 .C35 2021 Design and the Arts Library Exhibit

Cooke, Sekou. Hip-Hop Architecture. London; New York: Bloomsbury Visual Arts, 2021. xxi, 262 pages.
NA2500 .C665 2021 Design and the Arts Library Exhibit

DiAngelo, Robin. Nice Racism: How Progressive White People Perpetuate Racial Harm. Boston, MA: Beacon Press, 2021. xxi, 201 pages.
HT1521 .D485 2021 Design and the Arts Library Exhibit

Dudley, Tara. Building Antebellum New Orleans: Free People of Color and Their Influence. Austin: University of Texas Press, 2021. 336 pages.
NA738.N5 D83 2021 Design and the Arts Library Exhibit

Fine, Peter Claver. The Design of Race: How Visual Culture Shapes America. London; New York: Bloomsbury Visual Arts, 2021. xx, 173 pages
NX650.R34 F56 2021 Design and the Arts Library Exhibit

Gracia, Cruz and Nathalie Frankowski. Un-Making Architecture: An Anti-Racist Architecture Manifesto. [n.p.:] WAI Architecture Think Tank, 2021. 51 pages.
Open Access

Healy, Thomas. Soul City: Race, Equality, and the Lost Dream of an American Utopia. New York: Metropolitan Books, Henry Holt and Company, 2021. x, 434 pages.
F264.S685 H43 2021 Design and the Arts Library Exhibit

Lupton, Ellen et al. Extra Bold: A Feminist, Inclusive, Anti-Racist, Nonbinary Field Guide for Graphic Designers. Hudson, NY: Princeton Architectural Press, 2021. 219 pages.
NK1520 .L87 2021 Design and the Arts Library Exhibit

Roe, Jenny and Layla McCay. Restorative Cities: Urban Design for Mental Health and Wellbeing. London; New York: Bloomsbury Visual Arts, 2021. xvi, 261 pages.
HT166 .R597 2021 Design and the Arts Library Exhibit

Smith, Linda Wuhiwai. Decolonizing Methodologies: Research and Indigenous Peoples 3rd ed. London: Zed Books, 2021. xxxv, 302 pages.
GN380 .S65 2021 Design and the Arts Library Exhibit & West Valley campus (Fletcher) Library Labriola Center Open Stacks

Thompson, Ayanna. Blackface. New York, NY: Bloomsbury Academic, 2021. 130 pages.
PN2071.B58 T46 2021 Design and the Arts Library Exhibit & Hayden Library 4th Floor Stacks

Waltes, Kelly. Black, Brown + Latinx Design Educators: Conversations on Design and Race. New York: Princeton Architectural Press, 2021. 175 pages.
NX650.R34 W35 2021 Design and the Arts Library Exhibit

The ASU Library acknowledges the twenty-three Native Nations that have inhabited this land for centuries. Arizona State University's four campuses are located in the Salt River Valley on ancestral territories of Indigenous peoples, including the Akimel O’odham (Pima) and Pee Posh (Maricopa) Indian Communities, whose care and keeping of these lands allows us to be here today. ASU Library acknowledges the sovereignty of these nations and seeks to foster an environment of success and possibility for Native American students and patrons. We are advocates for the incorporation of Indigenous knowledge systems and research methodologies within contemporary library practice. ASU Library welcomes members of the Akimel O’odham and Pee Posh, and all Native nations to the Library.