General Local Government Links
FirstGov: American Hometowns - Cities, Counties and Towns - Links to local communities by state.
State and Local Government on the Net - One of the first and most complete portals to official government web sites.
Census Data - Basic Census data by state, county, city/town, or zip code.
Federal, State, and Local Governments - Data collected on governments in the United States, includes organization, finances, and employment.
Affiliates and Advocates
Governing: Local Government Links - From Governing magazine, resources for state and local government officials.
National Association of Counties - The national organization for county governments, provides advocacy, governmental liaison, and resource sharing services to members.
International City/County Management Association - The professional and educational organization for chief appointed managers, administrators, and assistants in cities, towns, counties, and regional entities throughout the world
National League of Cities - The oldest and largest national organization representing municipal governments throughout the United States.