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Russian and Slavic Studies

EU Bookshop
EU Bookshop is an online bookshop, library and archive of publications dating back to 1952. It contains 110,000 titles and 235,000 corresponding electronic versions (PDFs, e-books) in more than 50 languages, including the 24 official languages of the EU. | About |

Fundamental Digital Library of Russian Literature and Folklore (FEB-web)
Repository of Russian verbal art and related scholarly and other materials. Result of collaboration between Gorky Institute of World Literature and the Informregistr Center at the Russian Ministry for Communications. 

Guide to Open Access Historical News Sources from Slavic, East European and Eurasian Countries
This online guide aims to provide country-by-country list of open access historical news sources produced by the native and diaspora communities of Russia, Eurasia, and Eastern Europe.| About

HathiTrust Digital Library 
Provides long-term preservation and access services to 17+ million digitized items from a variety of sources, including Google, the Internet Archive, Microsoft, and in-house member institution initiatives. Items in the public domain are in full-view for everyone and items held in copyright are searchable.

Open Access in Central and Eastern Europe (UC Berkeley Library)
Library guide on Open Access resources from the Central and Eastern Europe. 
The Balkans | The Baltics | Central Europe | Eastern Europe | Russian Federation 

Russian ephemera collection (late 1980s-1990s)
Collection of materials and artifacts related to various political events, movements, parties and personalities that were part of the political life in the former Soviet Union and Russia between 1987 and 1999. 

Russian Revolution, Civil War and USSR 1917-1991 (EuroDocs)
Official demographic studies and statistics of the Soviet Union. 

Secondary Archive - Women Artists from Central and East Europe
Digital platform that documents information about women artists from central and east Europe, from the 1930s through the present. 

The Slavic and East European Materials Project (SEEMP)
Acquires, preserves, and maintains microform and digital collections of unique, rare, and bulky or voluminous research materials pertaining to the field of Slavic and East European studies for its members. Microfilm project of the Center for Research Libraries (CRL). CRL catalog search (for newspapers, dissertations, and other materials).

Digital Libraries and Collections


Archeobibliobase (East View open access collection)
Internet directory and bibliographic information system for archives in the Russian Federation.

Archives of St. Petersburg
Provides access to information on archival material from several federal and city archives. 

Federal Archival Agency (Rosarchive) 
Archival collections of the Russian Federation. Includes national and local government archives (e.g., Central Historical Archive of Moscow, State Archive of Magadan Region). 

Marxists Internet Archive
Comprehensive collection of historical data on Marxism and the revolutionary working class. Select index (e.g., Soviet Russia). 

Russia & Eurasia Archives (Hoover Institution-Stanford University) 
Cover major events in Russia and the Eurasian heartland from the mid-19th century to present. 

Russian Archives Online (RAO)
Collection of Russian and Soviet related archives and other sources of film, photographs and fine art. 

Russian State Historical Archive of the Far East
Covers North East Asia and Russian Far East. 

Stalin Digital Archive (Yale University Press)
Result of collaboration between the Russian State Archive of Social and Political History (RGASPI) and Yale University Press (YUP) to create an electronic database of finding aids, to digitize documents and images, and to publish in different forms and media materials from the recently declassified Stalin archive in the holdings of RGASPI. Subscribers can access all three volumes of the wartime diaries of Ivan Maisky, Soviet Ambassador to London. 

World War II Archive (Boris Yeltsin Presidential Library) 
Digitized archival documents, film and photo material from the WWII. 

Czech Republic (UCLA Library guide) 
This guide serves as a portal for electronic resources relating to the Czech Republic. It contains links to various scholarly e-resources. Some of the resources are freely available (Open Access). 

Webarchiv (National Library of the Czech Republic)
Digital collection of resources with historical, scientific or cultural value.

Internet Directory for Archives 

The Russian Empire and Soviet Union- Guide to Manuscripts and Archival Materials in the United States  (University of Illinois Library) 
This guide lists materials that relate to the Russian Empire, former Soviet Union, and the many distinct nationalities that were once a part of those entities. The materials cover political, historical, social, economic, diplomatic, artistic, literary, religious, military, musical, and other matters.

Archeo Biblio Base (East View Information Services) 
Federal, local state and non-state repositories, including libraries, museums, academic, research, and educational institutions in the Russian Federation. 

The ASU Library acknowledges the twenty-three Native Nations that have inhabited this land for centuries. Arizona State University's four campuses are located in the Salt River Valley on ancestral territories of Indigenous peoples, including the Akimel O’odham (Pima) and Pee Posh (Maricopa) Indian Communities, whose care and keeping of these lands allows us to be here today. ASU Library acknowledges the sovereignty of these nations and seeks to foster an environment of success and possibility for Native American students and patrons. We are advocates for the incorporation of Indigenous knowledge systems and research methodologies within contemporary library practice. ASU Library welcomes members of the Akimel O’odham and Pee Posh, and all Native nations to the Library.