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Marketing & Advertising Resources

This Subject Guide is designed to be a list of the most frequently used sources for advertising and marketing information, particularly for ASU class projects.

Useful Statistics

This page is for finding sources that provide primary data and statistics on population and economics. Also included are industry statistic not covered in the Company & Industry Research - Industry Information Sources - Overview Sources. Few of the sources listed provide any detailed analysis. If you don't find the statistical sources you need in this listing, try also the Polls tab.


Arizona Statistics ** Economic Statistics

US Census Bureau
** Bureau of Labor Statistics
** Federal Statistics finder


Demographics/Population jump to Special Demographic Groups

  1. A to Z Guide to American Consumers (book)  (ebook)

    This list of government and non-profit sources of demographic and consumer statistics is user friendly. This is a user friendly guide that is less intimidating than the ProQuest Statistical Insight or the US federal Statistics finder, FedStats

  2. Almanac of the 50 States. (book)

    This handy one volume source is a compilation of many different statistics collected by the U.S. government agencies and various business sources. Organized by state, each entry covers basic geographic and demographic data and statistics in the following areas: "Geography and Environment; Demographics & Characteristics of the Population; Vital Statistics & Health; Education; Social Insurance & Welfare Programs; Housing & Construction; Governments & Elections; Governmental Finance; Crime, Law Enforcement & Courts; Labor & Income; Economy, Business, Industry & Agriculture; and Communication, Energy & Transportation."

  3. American Demographics. (print 1979-2004) (ejouranl 1986-2004

    This journal was always a good source for demographic statistics with plenty of charts, graphs, and tables. In 2004 it was acquired by Advertising Age.

  4. American FactFinder in between the Censuses use the updates: American Community Survey
        Census of Housing.
        Census of Population and Housing
        Current Population Reports 
    Census Briefs 
        Statistical Briefs.

    These censuses and related series provide more detailed information and analysis on the population of the U.S. The reports done on specific demographic characteristics and population groups can be more helpful because the explanation and analysis is included with the statistics. Older print editions are in Hayden Library Government Documents.

  5. Demographics USA (book)

    Better known as the Survey of Buying Power, this is unique in providing the EBI, effective buying income. EBI is, essentially, the amount of money left over after the bills are paid or the purchasing power of households. It shows the expenditures by classes of products, furniture, clothing, utilities, etc. Divided into 21 sections: sections 1-7 give demographic and economic data; sections 8-12, state and regional summaries, rankings, and totals in terms of retail trade; and sections 18-21, rankings and projections, and breakdowns of population, buying power, and retail sales in TV markets. Numerous tabs aid in locating specific sections. The same information is published in four parts in issues of Sales & Marketing Magazine (print 1975-2008) (online 1983-2101). the ASU Library has the County Edition. The Zip Code edition was at both the Phoenix Public Library and at the Glendale Public Library.
  6. Development Report Card for the States.
    Data for 2000-
    Older print editions

    This reports on the economic health of each of the 50 states over the past year. While essentially a tool for economic development and facilities location decisions, this is useful to marketers to determine if potential customers are likely to be in a given state.

  7. Economic Censuses.
    Census of Agriculture.
    County and City Data Book.
    County Business Patterns.
    Current Industrial Reports.

    These give the wide range of statistical data necessary for comprehensive market analyses and marketing plans. All are indexed in LexisNexis Statistical with the full document in ASI Digital Collection. It is wise to use the index to find which report publishes the statistics you want and then go to the U.S. Census web sites listed. Older print edtions are located in Hayden Library Government Documents.

  8. Economic Indicators and other related statistical briefing rooms online. (Official U.S. sites)

    Census Economic Briefing Room.
    Census Economic Indicators.
    Economic Statistics Briefing Room.
    Social Statistics Briefing Room.

    These all have charts and graphs available with the data.

  9. Editor and Publisher Market Guide. (book)

    Analyzes over 1,500 U.S. and Canadian communities where a daily newspaper is published. Information included covers location, principal industries, climate, retail outlets, daily newspaper circulation, market rankings, forecasts, population growth, disposable personal income, and retail sales.

  10. New Strategist population analysis series

    These books are based on various government and other agency statistics plus additional information collected by the publisher. The value of these works is the additional context and explanations given to the statistics. These works have overlap among the titles, but because of the demographic break downs, the information is presented from different points of view. Particularly useful for marketing projects. Be sure to look for editions that are online. We are making an effort to have the online versions as they become available. For those dealing with Special Population Groups.

  11. REPS: Regional Economic Projections Series. (book)
    NEPS: National Economic Projection Series. (book)

    This two valuable works have three volumes to the set: "Analysis of Growth Trends," "Employment and Income Detail," and "Households and Population, by Age, Sex and Race." Each volume contains related information for the nation, regions, states, and metropolitan statistical areas. The growth trends also include analysis for economic areas and counties. The statistics are given for the current projection year, with historical statistics given at decade intervals for three decades and projections at five year intervals for the next fifteen or so years.

  12. Community Sourcebook of Zip Code Demographics. (book)
    older editions with different names

    This hefty volume gives detailed demographic information on every ZIP code, as the title indicates. Data given include: age distribution, median age, race, population, income data, and calculated "spending potential indexes" for each area. The second section is part of the ACORN report showing the top consumer type of each Zip Code. The definition of these consumer types is in Appendix 1: ACORN User's Guide. The third part is a Zip Code list showing the number of firms and total employees and the top industry. The Census Edition also includes some employment and housing information.

  13. Statistical Abstract of the United States.

    A handy compilation of statistics covering most areas of the U.S. economy, including demographics, labor, business enterprises, transportation, manufacturers, and communications. Sources for the tables are given if more up-to-date or related information is needed. Some tables have historical series. All older editions available online are linked from this same page. This item is included fulltext in LexisNexis Statistical.

  14. Trends & Projections. (book)
    (PDF online in Standard and Poor's NetAdvantage)

    This statistical source, which is a supplement to the Standard & Poor's Industry Surveys (online in Standard and Poor's NetAdvantage), has well-written analyses of the economic and demographic conditions of the United States. Each section first describes the recent trends and then includes a forecast. It also has graphs and tables of leading economic indicators.

  15. Vital Signs. (book)

    Covers trends in the major industries and other issues of economic importance. The work is divided into two sections: Key Indicators and Special Features. Each trend topic has a page of written analysis and a page of statistics.


    This web site was cerated to provide the types of analysis that the Census sites do not have or require a great deal of effort to do.

Special Demographic Groups


  1. Hispanic Fact Pack older years

    This is a PDF of the latest information about the US Hispanic population. This is designed for advertising & marketing use.

  2. Marketing to Hispanics Guide

    Another Advertising Age publication, this one gives an overview of Hispanic marketing

  3. SRDS Hispanic Media & Market Source. (book)

    These sources provide an alphabetical listing and classified subject listings for the advertising rates of business publications, newspapers, spot radio, spot TV, direct mailing lists, outdoor, and consumer magazines. The print source ceased pubilcation in 2012.

  4. Who We Are: Asians (book)
    Who We Are: Blacks (book)
    Who We Are: Hispanics (book)
    Who's Buying By Race and Hispanic Origin (ebook)
    Racial and Ethnic Diversity: Asians, Blacks, Hispanics, Native Americans, and Whites. (ebook)
    American Men: Who They Are and How They Live (book: all editions)
    American Women: Who They Are and How They Live (ebook) (all editions)

    These are the New Strategist publications that deal specifically with frequently requested groups. The others in the series are by generations, income, homes, and broad product groups.

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Jenny Mueller-Alexander
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Business, Economics, & Entrepreneurship
Ira A. Fulton Engineering: Polytechnic School &
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