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English Studies

English Studies

A-Z Databases: Select New / Trial Databases

Relevant Recently Licensed Electronic Resources

For a full listing of current New / Trial Databases consult our A-Z Databases module.

Subject Categories for "Databases by Subject" Tab

Classical Studies


Film & Media




Languages and Linguistics



Keeping Current

Britannica: Academic Edition

Chronicle of Higher Education

Credo Reference Online (Encyclopedias and Dictionaries)

JSTOR Daily (open access)

New York Times (Academic Group Pass)
[Licensed access to]

Opposing Viewpoints (Gale In Context)

Sage Research Methods

Times Higher Education (THE)
[Licensed access to]

Wall Street Journal
[Licensed access to]

The ASU Library acknowledges the twenty-three Native Nations that have inhabited this land for centuries. Arizona State University's four campuses are located in the Salt River Valley on ancestral territories of Indigenous peoples, including the Akimel O’odham (Pima) and Pee Posh (Maricopa) Indian Communities, whose care and keeping of these lands allows us to be here today. ASU Library acknowledges the sovereignty of these nations and seeks to foster an environment of success and possibility for Native American students and patrons. We are advocates for the incorporation of Indigenous knowledge systems and research methodologies within contemporary library practice. ASU Library welcomes members of the Akimel O’odham and Pee Posh, and all Native nations to the Library.